Este es el primer día del campamento y esto no ha hecho mas que empezar. Hoy será un día de toma de contacto con los compañeros y de empezar a habituarse al horario. Haremos muchas actividades, desde tenis o multi-deporte hasta danza, y si todo sale bien, lo vamos a pasar GENIAL!!!!
Por si no os sabéis todavía el nombre de los monitores ahí va una lista de todos ellos:
-Marianella: She is the English Summer Camp 09' principal. Whenever you have a problem, you should always talk to her. She is really open minded and understanding. She is here to help you with every single problem.
- Paula: She is one of the English teachers. She is kind and patient with all of her students. Children from six to eight are tought by this wonderful English teacher.
- Carolina: Another English teacher. She is really nice and brilliant at home and at work. She is gonna help students from 4th to 6th grade.
- Elena: The last English teacher. She is an all-rounder. She is able to be strict but at the same time an amazing teacher and person. Kids from 6th to 1st of ESO are thought by Helena.
- Diego: He is the sports teacher. He is a really active person looking forward to playing with all of you.
- Denia: She is the swimming and dancing teacher. She is another all-rounder teacher, really versatile. She is also playful with all of you guys!
- Raquel: She teaches tennis and she is looking forward to hearing from all of your problems, in case you need help. She is patient and charming.
- Me: My name is Alain. I am your tennis head coach and I am also the Webmaster. I want to be more than your teacher, I hope we can be friends.
Kids, These are all your instructors. I and the rest of the staff are gonna stay with you all these 10 days. I really think we are gonna have a wonderful time together. I want you all to comment whenever you want.
Bye xoxo,
Alain Garrido