lunes, 30 de junio de 2014


What a difficult Gymkhana!  

We played it in groups of five to overtake different situations and to prove our skills working together and our speed, because to win the game the captain of each group had to wear ten different items of clothes.

It was really difficult to do it quickly although we did our best.

No matter who won, we had a great time.


These are the monsters and the superheroes that we are creating for our  project.  

Aren't they scary?

domingo, 29 de junio de 2014


On Friday night we were playing a game when some Portuguese boys, who were here to play a football tournament, came to meet us... girls got veeeeery nervous and Marcos was the TRANSLATOR!!!!

On Saturday night they joined us to play Twister. Laura Cao WON!!!

And ohhh, they left on Sunday.

sábado, 28 de junio de 2014


Today, our teacher Elena told us that we will become Superheroes for the video workshop and that we had to design our costumes. So we have to choose not only our appearance but also we have to choose our skills ( for example: control and become fire, make tornadoes, shoot lasers, see through walls, fly as fast as lightning...).

Here are some of the results. 


Aren't we cool!!!


We're preparing a dance all together.

Cristina told us that if we listened the song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, no matter where, we would have to start to dance it. 

                           What a shame!!!

Do you know the song?  Just press play.

viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

English Summer Camp 2014

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 Textos Animados en MuchoGrafico.comTextos Animados en MuchoGrafico.comTextos Animados en MuchoGrafico.comTextos Animados en MuchoGrafico.comTextos Animados en
Everything is ready to have fun in English!

We are the group of the youngest students (the Little ones).  The couch Cristina is with us in this photo. She will teach us how to dance better.

Nosotros somos el grupo de los alumnos más jóvenes (los Peques). La monitora Cristina está con nosotros en la foto. Ella nos enseñará a bailar mejor.

We are the group of middle-aged students with the teachers Elena and Sonia. They will teach  English every morning for four hours.

Nosotros somos el grupo de los alumnos medianos y estamos con las profes Elena y Sonia. Ellas nos enseñarán inglés todos los días durante cuatro horas.

 And we are the group of the ESO students (the oldest ones) with our teacher Eugenia and the coach Uxio who will help us to improve our skills doing sports and swimming.

Y nosotros somos el grupo de la ESO (los mayores) con nuestra profe Eugenia y el monitor Uxío quien nos ayudará a mejorar  nuestras habilidades haciendo deporte y natación.

Apart from those teachers and coaches, we are going to have some others who will teach us tennis, surf and kayak. 

Aparte de esos profes y monitores, vamos a tener otros que nos enseñarán tenis , surf y kayak.

This year we are going to have a new workshop: the video workshop, so we will prepare some projects and performances for recording them. We hope you'll like them.

And every night we are going to have some activities and parties but the teachers haven't told us about them yet because they said they'll be ... Surprise, surprise!!

Este año vamos a tener un nuevo taller: el taller de video, por lo tanto tendremos que preparar unos proyectos y actuaciones para grabarlas. Esperemos que os gusten.

Y cada noche, vamos a tener actividades y fiestas, pero los profes no nos han dicho cuales van a ser porque nos dijeron que serán... ¡Sorpresa, sorpresa!

We'll have a great time!
¡Nos lo pasaremos genial!
